Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tips on How To Sell Your Mortgage Note

You might not have been aware of the fact that you can sell your mortgage notes or sell it online, but more and more sellers are choosing to do so.

Many people seeking a lump sum of cash want to know how to sell mortgage notes for top dollar and where to find a note buyer. Fortunately, the process is quite simple. You may get a competitive quote in a matter of hours.

The best part is you can take care of everything via phone, fax and email, so there’s no need to be in the same area, even the same state as the note buyer. And you can usually have your cash in hand within a few weeks, as the average transaction takes between 10-14 days to

How to Sell Mortgage Notes Online

We are experts at selling notes and you can fill out a form on line or contact us with any questions you may have. We will ask for a little information about you as well as details about
your note. Fill in as much information as you can as this will be helpful to the potential buyer.

Once you’ve submitted your information, you should receive a call or email within 24-48 hours. The initial consultation is always free.

During the initial contact you will discuss the details of your note including balance, time remaining, interest rate, payments to date, etc. The buyer will use all of this information to decide what to offer you for your note.

Keep in mind that it has to make financial sense for them as well, so the stronger the note the more you can expect to receive for it. Remember, the buyer is now assuming the risk for you, so they have to deal with all of the potential problems that could arise down the road,
e.g. inflationary pressures, payor default, unstable economy, etc.

Even so, money today is always worth more than money tomorrow, so even though you will not get the full dollar value when you sell, you still get a guaranteed lump sum of cash without exposing yourself to any risk. And if you are able to invest that money, it can add up to much more than the value of the note over time.

To list your note, click here.

To email us your questions click here.

Thank you

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